Border Chief Blames Biden’s ‘No Consequences’ Immigration Rules for Crisis
Joe Biden’s policies are the root cause of the crisis at the southern border and Democrats in Congress are complicit.
August 30, 2022
Fox News obtained footage of Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz warning against Joe Biden’s “no consequences” immigration policies, and blamed them for the crisis at the southern border. Smugglers have illegally brought record amounts of immigrants across the southern border this fiscal year.
Fox News: Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz said under oath that President Biden’s border policies have “no consequences” for illegal migrants traveling into the U.S. and are to blame for the unprecedented surge at the border and release of hundreds of thousands into the interior of the country. . .
During the deposition, Ortiz went on to testify that the southern border is currently in crisis and replied “yes” when asked if the border is “less safe for Americans and aliens alike.”
Ortiz said he agreed with a statement by the plaintiff attorney that “unprecedented numbers” of migrants have illegally entered the U.S. this year. There have so far been more than 2 million migrant encounters with Border Patrol this fiscal year, already surpassing the historic 1.7 million encountered last fiscal year.
Ortiz was also quoted as saying that border patrol has seen increases in illegal immigration “when there are no consequences” and when immigrants perceive they will be able to remain in the United States.
Fentanyl seizures are also on pace to set a new record. In July, seizures were up more than 200 percent. Over the weekend at one Arizona point of entry, agents confiscated more than 625,000 fentanyl pills, including more than 12,000 that were made to appear like candy.
Bottom Line: Joe Biden’s policies are the root cause of the crisis at the southern border and Democrats in Congress are complicit.
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