Fourth of July Under the Biden Administration
Last year the Biden Administration touted saving Americans 16 cents on their 4th of July celebrations. Fast forward to 2022, where skyrocketing prices will cost families 17 percent, or about $10, more than last year for the annual cookout.
June 29, 2022
Last year the Biden Administration touted saving Americans 16 cents on their 4th of July celebrations. Fast forward to 2022, where skyrocketing prices will cost families 17 percent, or about $10, more than last year for the annual cookout.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t end there. Many Americans will not have the option to see a fireworks show in person as a result of cancellations due to supply chain or staffing shortages. According to the American Pyrotechnics Association Executive Director, Julie Heckman, “The shortage doesn’t lie in manufacturing but in congestion at U.S. ports.”
Phoenix: The city of Phoenix said it canceled its three major Independence Day displays because it couldn’t obtain the necessary fireworks due to supply chain problems.
Sacramento: In Sacramento, Cal Expo officials announced they won’t have a July 4th fireworks display because of staffing and resource shortages. Instead, they are focused on the California State Fair & Food Festival to be held the last two weeks of July.
Minneapolis: In Minneapolis, a fireworks display over the Mississippi won’t be held because of staff shortages and construction at a nearby park.
Northern Virginia: Both the town of Vienna and the city of Fairfax had to reschedule their Independence Day fireworks due to a shortage of licensed pyrotechnic staff at Zambelli Fireworks, the company both cities contracted for their events.
Ocean City & College Park: Ocean City and College Park have both announced their Independence Day firework shows will be canceled due to both labor shortages and supply chain issues.
Lincoln, NE: Local sellers said the holiday tradition has become another victim of inflation.
America Rising PAC Press Secretary, Kristen Bennett: “Americans can’t even celebrate our independence without stark reminders of Joe Biden and Washington Democrats’ poor economic leadership, which have led us to skyrocketing prices and a still-crippling supply chain shortage.”
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