From Bad to Worse: Biden’s Poll Numbers Crash to New Low
Joe Biden’s plummeting approval ratings are a huge problem for congressional Democrats, who continue pushing a radical agenda in lockstep with the president. Voters are rejecting Biden’s policies and in November, Democrats will be held accountable.
January 13, 2022
A new Quinnipiac University poll showed Joe Biden’s approval rating continued its downward spiral in the early days of 2022. Just 33 percent of Americans approve of the job Biden is doing as president — and only 25 percent of independents — which pollsters called a “rocky start” to Biden’s presidency.
USA Today: President Joe Biden’s approval rating dropped to 33% in a new Quinnipiac University poll, the lowest mark of any major public survey during his presidency, as he takes a beating over his handling of the economy and coronavirus. . .
Biden’s dismal numbers come as inflation has soared to a 39-year high and COVID-19 cases, which were on the decline last summer, have spiked to an all-time high amid the rise of the highly contagious omicron variant. Biden, who is nearing his first full year in office, campaigned on getting the pandemic under control and reviving the economy.
The survey revealed that 57 percent disapprove of Biden’s handling of the economy, and a majority believe the economy is getting worse. Biden is also deeply underwater on his handling of the Covid-19 pandemic and foreign policy.
This poll leaves congressional Democrats, who vote with Biden nearly 100 percent of the time, panicking about their prospects in this year’s midterms. Republicans, however, are growing increasingly optimistic about this November’s elections.
Los Angeles Times: The sitting president’s party almost always loses ground in midterm elections — doing so in all but two such contests since the end of World War II. And Democrats hoping to buck precedent have few easy fixes for the problems on voters’ minds or for President Biden’s underwater approval ratings.
“Sometimes you have a messaging problem, and other times you just have a problem. In this situation, [Democrats] just have the latter,” said Matt Gorman, a Republican strategist who ran communications for the GOP’s House campaign arm in 2018. “No slogan or single policy achievement can turn around a broader environment. There would have to be a seismic shift.”
Bottom Line: Joe Biden’s plummeting approval ratings are a huge problem for congressional Democrats, who continue pushing a radical agenda in lockstep with the president. Voters are rejecting Biden’s policies and in November, Democrats will be held accountable.
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