Liberal Democrats Skeptical of Joe Biden

Liberal Democrats Skeptical of Joe Biden

Joe Biden has a serious problem when it comes to appealing to the progressive base. His ties to lobbyists and corporations are seen as a liability to liberal activists that now dominate the Democratic party.

May 3, 2019
Liberal Democrats Skeptical of Joe Biden

Joe Biden has a serious problem when it comes to appealing to the liberal base. His ties to lobbyists and corporations are seen as a liability to liberal activists that now dominate the Democratic party. Grassroots activists moved for rules changes within the DNC that take “power over debates, nominating contests and the national convention” away from establishment insiders. This is bad news for Biden.

The Hill: “His campaign has said he will not take money from lobbyists and corporate PACs, but that is unlikely to be enough for progressive groups in the primary who have larger concerns about the candidate.”

“‘With Joe Biden, if he wants to say no to corporate lobbyists’ money that’s great and it’s a step in a positive direction that acknowledges the times,’ Adam Green, co-founder of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, told The Hill.”

“But, with Joe Biden, it’s not about course correcting any one little thing, it’s about his big picture brand, which is being cozy with big corporations and cutting back room deals with Republican political insiders.”

Concerns regarding K Street’s influence over Biden come on the heels of a 2015 video resurfacing where Biden praised another former VP, Dick Cheney, calling him “a decent man,” enraging many on the left.

VIDEO: Biden: Dick Cheney Is “A Decent Man”