Steyer Pre-Empts Democratic Debates With A Push For Impeachment
Today, Tom Steyer’s group Need To Impeach announced it had mailed guides to impeachment to over 5,100 candidates across the country, continuing their drive to impeach President Trump. “As a candidate seeking elected office, it is important for you to understand this subject, which is too often misunderstood,” the guide read. “Donald Trump is a […]
April 4, 2018
Today, Tom Steyer’s group Need To Impeach announced it had mailed guides to impeachment to over 5,100 candidates across the country, continuing their drive to impeach President Trump.
“As a candidate seeking elected office, it is important for you to understand this subject, which is too often misunderstood,” the guide read. “Donald Trump is a clear and present danger to our country, and his actions have already superseded the threshold for impeachment as originally conceived by our nation’s Founding Fathers.”
The timing couldn’t be worse for Democrats facing competitive House primaries. Not only is their national party advising they need to show they will work with President Trump, but they also face the looming specter of Steyer-sponsored debates that will force them to take a position on impeachment. And this is why Steyer’s campaign is frightening national Democrats:
But that’s the issue: Democrats increasingly believe moderate platforms and candidates — not progressives calling to remove the president — will help them take back the House of Representatives in November.
Big picture: That thinking is reflected in everything from the DCCC helping candidates fight for more than 100 GOP-held seats this cycle to the topics candidates are advised to talk about, like the economy and health care. Impeachment is not on the list of talking points, yet all Democratic, Independent, and third-party candidates running for office in 2018 will receive an impeachment guide.
Steyer’s efforts are moving the Democratic party toward impeachment and improving Republican chances in November.
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