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Joe Biden and his radical liberal allies in Congress want to use a COVID relief bill to raise the...
Conservatives built their Supreme Court majority the right way. Now, Democrats are looking to undo all of that by...
Since going into his basement in March, Joe Biden has done only 5 press events compared to over 150...
We need your immediate input to help defeat Democrats up and down the ballot in November.
The Democrats aren’t even trying to hide their dangerous agenda anymore. They are openly calling for an end to...
The hypocrisy of Democrat Governors has been on full display. They set the rules for the public, yet them...
Joe Biden is facing an allegation of sexual assault by a former Senate staffer. New details are emerging every...
Blinded by their hatred for President Trump, Democrats refuse to hold China accountable for lying to the world about...
The 2020 Democratic primary has finally been narrowed down to two candidates: Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders. Test your...
Welcome to America Rising’s Live Debate Blog. Eleventh Democratic Primary Debate | March 15th, 2020 | Washington, DC
Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, and radical House Democrats IMPEACHED YOUR PRESIDENT. Now, Chuck Schumer and Senate Democrats are trying...
We want to hear directly from you. Where do you stand on House Democrats’ attempt to impeach President Trump: