GOP Chairman Challenges J.B. Pritzker to Clean Up Party’s Corruption
Jackson County GOP Chairman Chris Grissom called on Governor J.B. Pritzker to set a new standard of ethics in the state of Illinois by holding House Speaker Mike Madigan accountable for the cloud of corruption hanging over the party as 2020 approaches.
August 9, 2019
Jackson County GOP Chairman Chris Grissom called on Governor J.B. Pritzker to set a new standard of ethics in the state of Illinois by holding House Speaker Mike Madigan accountable for the cloud of corruption hanging over the party as 2020 approaches. Grissom specifically called on Pritzker to remove Madigan as the State Democratic Party Chair.
Carbondale Reporter: “‘I think the governor should call on Speaker Madigan to relinquish his duties as the state Democratic Party chairman as it heads to the 2020 elections to remove any perception of improprieties,” Grissom told the Carbondale Reporter. “We don’t need this cloud hanging over us in 2020.’”
Grissom is referring to multiple civil lawsuits that Madigan or his organizations are involved in, including an accusation that he planted sham candidates on the primary ballot to lock in his own re-election. Madigan’s political operation also faces accusations that it allowed “severe and persistent sexual harassment” against a political consultant to go unchecked.
Chicago Sun-Times: “Another lawsuit followed the uproar early in 2018 over accusations made by Alaina Hampton, a former campaign consultant, against Madigan aide Kevin Quinn, younger brother of Ald. Marty Quinn (13th). Hampton said Quinn sent her unwanted text messages and phone calls in pursuit of a romantic and sexual relationship.
“Hampton then filed her federal lawsuit against Madigan’s political committee and the state Democratic Party over the ‘severe and persistent sexual harassment’ that she alleges went ignored for nearly a year despite her complaints.”
Grissom highlighted Pritzker’s inaction compared to new Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, who won the Mayor’s race in a blowout in part due to her message of anti-corruption and reform.
Carbondale Reporter: “Given the landscape, Grissom argues that Pritzker would be wise to follow the lead of Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, who recently moved to install a package of ethics reforms that include empowering the Chicago inspector general to do everything from audit City Council committees to doubling maximum fine levels for ethics violations.”
Madigan’s issues don’t stop at the two civil cases. Three of Madigan’s closest former associates have had their residences raided by federal investigators this year.
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