Joe Biden's 'Moderate' Image Disguises a Radical Agenda

Joe Biden’s ‘Moderate’ Image Disguises a Radical Agenda

Beyond the constant gaffes and misstatements, Joe Biden has effectively convinced many Americans that he’s a “moderate” Democrat.

September 10, 2019
Joe Biden’s ‘Moderate’ Image Disguises a Radical Agenda

Beyond the constant gaffes and misstatements, Joe Biden has effectively convinced many Americans that he’s a “moderate” Democrat.

But according to a McClatchy analysis of Biden’s policy proposals, that couldn’t be further from the truth – especially compared to the previous Democratic presidential nominee.

McClatchy: “Taken as a whole, Biden’s policy platform represents a significant shift from Clinton’s. On nearly every major issue, Biden has either exponentially increased the scope of what Clinton proposed or advocated for new ideas that most Democrats would have up until recently considered fringe.”

While some of Joe Biden’s primary opponents proudly embrace their far-left agenda, Biden pitches himself to voters as a more “electable” and moderate alternative while supporting many of the same liberal policies.

“Still, Biden’s current set of policy prescriptions would likely be considered radical if they had been proposed in any previous Democratic presidential primary.”