Steve Bullock Fundraises During the Workday as Montana Navigates the Coronavirus
Steve Bullock continues to put his political and personal priorities over responsible governing.
July 1, 2020
Steve Bullock’s pattern of looking out for his own personal and political interests over his governing responsibilities continues as the Washington Free Beacon reported that Bullock participated in a fundraiser with corporate interests from 8:30a – 9:30a during the stay at home order. The fundraiser during the workday flies in the face of Bullock’s declaration that his campaign would take a back seat during the coronavirus response.
Washington Free Beacon: “Less than two weeks after the fundraiser, Bullock claimed that his last-minute bid to unseat GOP Sen. Steve Daines would not take priority over his pandemic response.
“‘I look forward to when I can spend more time thinking about the campaign and doing that work,’ he told the Associated Press, adding that he’s focused on making sure ‘lives are being saved.’”
The revelation of the fundraiser comes just days after Fox News reported that Bullock stacked an advisory board tasked with distributing coronavirus relief with high-valued donors. Bullock has been accused of violating state open meetings laws after convening the task force behind closed doors.
Bullock’s fundraiser is also controversial given his self-appointed role as a campaign finance ‘purist.’ The fundraiser was hosted by a PAC that has raised over 60% of its money in the 2020 cycle from corporate interests. Bullock’s pathetic presidential campaign was based around the issue of campaign finance reform.
Bullock’s fundraiser is also controversial given his self-appointed image of a campaign finance ‘purist.’ The fundraiser was hosted by a PAC that has raised over 60% of its money in the 2020 cycle from corporate interests. Bullock’s pathetic presidential campaign was based around the issue of campaign finance reform.
As Bullock continues to attempt to navigate the coronavirus response, he will face continuous pressure from the governing side of his responsibilities and his desire to campaign and raise money for November.
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