Michael Bloomberg’s Possible Candidacy Exposes Democrats' Weak Candidates

Michael Bloomberg’s Possible Candidacy Exposes Democrats’ Weak Candidates

Bloomberg’s radical agenda will also pull the rest of the field even further left and further out of step with the American people.

November 8, 2019
Michael Bloomberg’s Possible Candidacy Exposes Democrats’ Weak Candidates

The historically weak field of Democratic presidential candidates is prompting Michael Bloomberg to potentially make a late entry. From Joe Biden’s anemic fundraising to Elizabeth Warren’s multi-trillion dollar policies that would bankrupt the middle class, it’s no surprise Democrats are panicking.

CNN: “There is no question that Bloomberg’s willingness to step into this race — or at least make preparations to do so — is rooted, primarily, in Biden’s perceived struggles. A strong Biden would make a Bloomberg candidacy virtually impossible given that the very same establishment types who have undoubtedly been whispering in Bloomberg’s ear were once whispering those same sweet nothings in Biden’s ear.”

Here’s a quick glimpse of what a Michael Bloomberg candidacy would bring to the field:

  • Bloomberg thought his New York soda ban helps the poor most because “They don’t have the ability to take care of themselves.”
  • Regarding Americans protecting their families with firearms, Bloomberg said “And if you want to have a gun in your house, I think you’re pretty stupid…”
  • Bloomberg told NBC’s David Gregory “I do think there are certain times we should infringe on your freedom.”

Given Bloomberg’s ability to self-fund with his personal fortune, Joe Biden’s fundraising woes will only be exacerbated. Bloomberg’s radical agenda will also pull the rest of the field even further left and further out of step with the American people.